Thursday, February 7, 2013

Festival of the Arts | The Ferris State Torch

Festival of the Arts: Saffell Gardner introduces his artwork, based on his wife Marion Hayden?s music, for the opening of the Festival of the Arts at Artworks. Photo By: Eric Trandel | Photographer

Festival of the Arts: Saffell Gardner intro?duces his art?work, based on his wife Marion Hayden?s music, for the open?ing of the Festival of the Arts at Artworks. Photo By: Eric Trandel | Photographer

With a?bustling crowd, food and guest speak?ers, the Festival of the Arts? open?ing cer?e?mony kicked off the month of events to?come.

The Festival of the Arts takes place in the month of February and includes var?i?ous events rang?ing from art classes to con?certs to artist recep?tions to?plays.

The open?ing cer?e?mony took the time to thank all of the vol?un?teers and coor?di?na?tors of the event. From there, jazz musi?cian Marion Hayden was intro?duced along with her hus?band, Saffell Gardner. Hayden will be per?form?ing at the clos?ing cer?e?monies while Gardner cre?ates a?piece of art?work inspired by her?music.

Pat Heeter, exhibit coor?di?na?tor of Artworks, is excited about the upcom?ing oppor?tu?ni?ties this month has to?offer.

?[This is] the oppor?tu?nity to share the won?der?ful world of art and cul?ture with the whole com?mu?nity for no cost,? Heeter said. ?I want to have new peo?ple try new things in the?arts.?

Heeter is hop?ing to take part in a?cou?ple of the var?i?ous art classes that will be available.

Anything from music lessons, bas?ket weav?ing, wood carv?ing, knit?ting, pho?tog?ra?phy and more will be offered. Ferris sopho?more graphic design stu?dent Aubrey Roskoskey is hop?ing to delve into the arts this month as?well.

?I know for sure I?m going to the Little Mermaid at the mid?dle school,? Roskoskey said.

?I want to do a?lot more with the arts ? dig?i?tal or on?canvas.?

Activities take place on the Ferris cam?pus, Artworks, Big Rapids High School, Crossroads Charter Academy and var?i?ous churches in Big Rapids, to name a?few locations.

If any?one wants to put their cre?ativ?ity to the test, there will also be an array of com?pe?ti?tions such as pho?tog?ra?phy, haiku and snow sculpt?ing as?well.

?The Festival of the Arts is such a?won?der?ful resource for our com?mu?nity. This month-long cel?e?bra?tion is an oppor?tu?nity for every?one here to expe?ri?ence the arts, and I?encour?age our stu?dents to attend things that inter?est them,? Ferris President David Eisler said. ?I also encour?age them to expe?ri?ence some?thing they?ve never tried?before.?

For a?list of all the events, visit fer?ris?.edu/?f?e?s?t?i?val.



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